Blizzard's answer to the rhetorical question "What to do until the expansion?" was pretty much predictable.

With Arena Season 3 theoretically planned to start with the Zul'Aman patch, but as a matter of fact stuck by so few people wearing T6 gear, they are going to simply nerf everything again.

Mmo-Champion posted the latest changes to 2.2 Patch Notes whose summary is:
- Various nerfs to Serpentshrine Caverns, Black Temple and Mount Hyjal.
- Tempest Keep and Coilfang raid bosses will now all drop at least 3 items each.

So, by the time this changes will go live, more people will clear SSC and start to attempt some BT/MH bosses. Smaller guild who never left Karazhan will go to Zul'Aman and even the lonely casual players will get some love with new Heroic Badge Rewards and Season 1 Gladiator beeing purchasable with honor points.


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